This rule set contains some of the more questionable checks, including assigning null to a variable, multiple return points from a method, and importing from the sun packages. 这个规则集包含一些更有问题的检验,其中包括把null赋值给变量、方法中有多个返回点,以及从sun包导入等。
Additional code could be added to perform a check to see if the new value is a user-defined value indicating that the database value should be set to NULL or the default value defined for the column. 可以添加额外的代码来执行一个检查,检查新值是不是一个用户定义值,用以表明数据库值应该被设置为NULL或针对该列定义的默认值。
As a cleanup, this context object is set to null once destroy method is called. 当清除时,一旦调用destroy方法,context对象就被设置为null。
The last set includes a colon(:) between the variable name and the substitution operator, which adds the check to see if the variable is NULL, as well. 后一组定义在变量名和替换操作符之间包含一个冒号(:),这会额外检查变量是否是NULL。
Set to null if it is not going to be used. 如果不用,可将其设为null。
If isn't set, a default error message of "Parameter null or not set" is displayed. 如果未设置,就显示默认的错误消息“Parameternullornotset”。
To disable DB2 to run on the SAP setting, simply set the DB2_WORKLOAD registry variable to NULL and restart the database instance. 若要禁用SAP设置上运行的DB2,就只要将DB2WORKLOAD注册表变量设置为NULL,并重新启动数据库实例。
The opendir() and readdir() functions both return NULL if a problem occurs and the errno global variable is set to indicate what went wrong. 在出现问题时,opendir()和readdir()函数都会返回NULL,并且将设置全局变量errno的值,以指出所出现的错误。
If doesn't exist or is NULL, set to and return. 如果不存在或者是NULL,就把设置为并返回。
If the Accept header is null, this means that the client accepts any type, so the default is set. 如果Accept标头为空,这意味着该客户端可接受任何类型,因此设置了缺省值。
If one record set has more rows than the other, data in that column will continue while nulls will be displayed for the other as seen below. 如果一个记录集比另一个多,此列中的数据将会继续增加,而另一个显示null,如下所示。
It works ( updateSQL set to null) when you call the update the stored procedure from inside your application code ( Java). 当从应用程序代码(Java)内部调用update存储过程时,将发生这种情况(即updateSQL设置为null)。
The null indicator values are set by the RPG HANDLE_UPDATE sub-procedure prior to executing the SQL UPDATE statement. 空指示符值在执行SQLUPDATE语句之前通过RPGHANDLEUPDATE子过程设置。
For items that have two paths to send, there is a null byte after the first path, and it is followed by the second path, with the pathlen field of the message being set to the total length. 对于有两个路径需要发送的项,那么在第一个路径之后有一个null字节,其后紧跟第二个路径,并且消息的pathlen字段被设置为总长度。
For example, the following XSD describes a set of enumerated values of which one has to be chosen ( that is, null or not choosing is invalid). 例如,下面的XSD描述了一组必须从中选择其一的枚举值(也就是说,值为Null或不做出选择将是无效的)。
For this test, the Ex versions of the strsafe functions set NULL on failure and0xFE as the fill byte 在测试中,调用Ex版本的strsafe系列函数的程序会在调用失败时把缓冲区设为NULL,并以0xFE作为填充字节,代码如下
Check every field for NULL, and check every set, list, or map for EMPTY before you try to use it in any logic ( yes, even any error-checking logic). 在逻辑(甚至是验错逻辑)中使用代码前,核对每个字段NULL为,每个集合、明细表和映射EMPTY。
If it is NULL, the dialog object's parent window is set to the main application window. 如果这个参数为空,对话框对象的父窗口被设置到应用程序主窗口。
For clearing a pool, the one taking a set ( with null Set) should be used. 如果要清空一个池,就要使用那个接收集合的API(传入一个null集合)。
Warning: Null value eliminated by aggregate or other set operation. 警告:聚合或其它集合操作消除了空值。
You want to set the target buffer to NULL on failure. 一旦字符串处理函数失败,就把目标缓冲区设成NULL。
The method mainly adopts the projected gradient technique. Through calculating the fundus of the null space of matrix A in the constraint, the direction set becomes a positive spanning set of R~ ( n-m). 其中主要是采用投影梯度技术,通过计算约束条件中矩阵A的零空间的基底,使得实施过程中所选用的方向集是R~(n-m)中的一个正跨越集。
In this paper, we define an improved extended relational model under null values circumstances and its fundamental operations by using set theory. It improves the extended relational model of the papar [ 1]. 用集合论的方法定义一个空值环境下的改进扩展关系模型及其基本运算,改进了文〔1〕的扩展关系模型。
Furthermore, time edge balance can help mangers avoid simple and null market response, set competitive pacing and force competitors to follow their strategy direction and to control competitive complexion under rapidly changeable environments. Finally the managers can decide their own destiny. 而且时间边缘的平衡方法可以帮助管理人员避免单纯的市场反应,设定自己的变革节拍,迫使竞争对手跟随自己的战略方向,从而控制急剧变化环境下的竞争格局,最终掌握自己的命运。
In this paper, a novel algorithm of real phase only nulling synthesis for phased array antennas in proposed, which is based on the "Element Null Vector" and modified Gram Schmidt orthogonalization, it is effective to set wide null and low notch. 本文提出了一种相控阵天线相位加权置零综合的新算法。这种算法基于单元零点向量法和改进的Gram-Schmidt正交化方法,它能有效地设置宽零点和低凹口。
Many scholars conducting the thorough research on null values information system, obtained some very good knowledge-gained method, but stepped in under the collection value the rough set research are very few. 许多学者对空值型的信息系统进行了深入的研究,得到了一些很好的知识获取方法,但涉足集值下的粗集研究却很少。
We also prove that the system considered is exact null controllability at any time T> 0 when the input control acts on a non-empty open set, which is based on the finite time extinction and localization of the solution for the equation with a strong absorption term. Ω,则基于具有强吸收项的方程的解在有限时间熄灭及局部化性质,可以研究系统在任意时间T>0的精确零能控性。
The relation between threshold, weight and matching degree is also discussed. In order to make the querying friendlier, the method to avoid returning null set and corpora is also presented. 研究了权重、阈值和匹配度之间的关系,提出了避免查询结果为空集或全集的方法,使得查询更加人性化。
And further, it implicates a significant improvement of the Lebesgue-Rademacher theorem: every Lipschitz mapping between two finitely dimensional spaces is C1 off a null set of first category. 同时也是Lebesgue-Rademacher定理的一个本质的改进:有限维空间之间的Lipschitz映射在某个测度为零的第一类型集外是C~1映射,即有连续的微分映射。
Aiming at incomplete information of indicator system, this paper sets up null value dealing model of indicator system based on rough set. 针对指标体系信息不完备的特定问题,建立了基于粗糙集的指标体系空值处理模型。